FeetUp Asana Basics: Warrior I

Downward Facing Dog: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward Facing Dog is a dynamic pose that is both inverted and grounded at the same time. Here are a few tips on how to explore Adho Mukha Svasana using your FeetUp Trainer.
FeetUp Guide to Grounded Inversions

The FeetUp Guide to Grounded Inversions

Keeping your feet on the ground during an inversion is a great way to build body awareness and confidence. Here are a few tips to stay focused and grounded with your FeetUp Trainer whenever life turns upside down!
feetup partner drills in the park

FeetUp Partner Drills

Share a yoga practice with someone you love with these fun and flowing FeetUp Partner Drills.
Floating Straddle Balance Progressions

Floating Straddle Balance Progressions

Douglas Adams once said that secret to flying is learning to throw yourself at the ground and miss. Thankfully, the secret to floating upside down is a LOT easier! Here are 6 FeetUp exercises to help take a hands-on approach with hands-free inversions. 
Backdrop Walkover Progressions with the FeetUp Trainer

Backdrop Walkover Progressions with the FeetUp Trainer

Ready to explore full range of motion while upside down? Here are some progressions to help you master the Rolling Backdrop Walkover with your FeetUp Trainer.
How to Find the Most Comfortable Shoulder Position With Your FeetUp Trainer

How to Find the Most Comfortable Shoulder Position With Your FeetUp Trainer

Starting a new movement practice will challenge your body in many new ways. Here's how to find proper shoulder position and alignment while inverted on your FeetUp Trainer.
A Comprehensive Guide to Building a FeetUp Inversion Practice for Beginners and Beyond!

A Comprehensive Guide to Building a FeetUp Inversion Practice for Beginners and Beyond!

Here is everything you need to know in order to build a safe and long-lasting inversion practice with your FeetUp Trainer.
Five Popular and Magical Ways That Inversions Could Save Your Life

Five Popular and Magical Ways That Inversions Could Save Your Life

There are countless articles online about the benefits of inversions that range from simple to profoundly bizarre. It seems like every yoga website online has at least one entry-level article that talks about the benefits of inversions. This is ours!