childs pose feetup asana basics header

Child's Pose: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Balasana

Child's pose is perfect when you need a little "me time" throughout the day. Balasana invites us to put our heads down to check in whenever things get a little wild! Here is everything you need to know to enjoy child's pose with your FeetUp Trainer.
FeetUp Asana Basics: Warrior I

Downward Facing Dog: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Adho Mukha Svanasana

Downward Facing Dog is a dynamic pose that is both inverted and grounded at the same time. Here are a few tips on how to explore Adho Mukha Svasana using your FeetUp Trainer.
Jean Jacques Gabriel FeetUp Teacher Profile Header Image

Jean-Jacques Gabriel: FeetUp Teacher Profile

We absolutely love how Jean-Jacques teaches embodied movement that invites everyone to be at home in their own bodies with authority and power. Learn more about his amazing style here!
hardcore exercises for hard core strength

Hardcore Exercises for Hard Core Strength

Building healthy core strength is a marathon, not a sprint. Big thanks to James Fowler for sharing his favorite FeetUp Trainer core strength exercises!
feetup partner drills in the park

FeetUp Partner Drills

Share a yoga practice with someone you love with these fun and flowing FeetUp Partner Drills.
Movement for Better Sleep: 5 Restful Poses to Maximize Relaxation

Movement for Better Sleep: 5 Restful Poses to Maximize Relaxation

It can be challenging to unwind after a long day. Do you crave better sleep? Relax after a long day with some gentle yoga poses on your FeetUp Trainer.
5 Leg Day Exercises for Strength and Mobility

5 Leg Day Exercises for Strength and Mobility

Make every day Leg Day with the FeetUp Trainer! Here are 5 fun exercises to build more lower body strength & balance in your fitness practice. 
FeetUp Flow: Grounded Warrior Series

FeetUp Flow: Grounded Warrior Series

For the days that call for more softness and support, this Grounded Warrior Series with your FeetUp Trainer will meet you right where your practice needs to be! 
Floating Straddle Balance Progressions

Floating Straddle Balance Progressions

Douglas Adams once said that secret to flying is learning to throw yourself at the ground and miss. Thankfully, the secret to floating upside down is a LOT easier! Here are 6 FeetUp exercises to help take a hands-on approach with hands-free inversions. 
FeetUp Core: 4 Exercises for Strength & Control

FeetUp Core: 4 Exercises for Strength & Control

Want to move with more balance and stability? Activate and engage your core like never before with these four fun FeetUp exercises! 
Backdrop Walkover Progressions with the FeetUp Trainer

Backdrop Walkover Progressions with the FeetUp Trainer

Ready to explore full range of motion while upside down? Here are some progressions to help you master the Rolling Backdrop Walkover with your FeetUp Trainer.
Mountain Pose: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Tadasana

Mountain Pose: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Tadasana

How we carry ourselves in tadasana is essentially how we carry ourselves through life. Why not take some of the guesswork out? Seated Mountain pose with your FeetUp Trainer helps find proper right foot placement and focus more on internal alignment.