childs pose feetup asana basics header

Child's Pose: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Balasana

Child's pose is perfect when you need a little "me time" throughout the day. Balasana invites us to put our heads down to check in whenever things get a little wild! Here is everything you need to know to enjoy child's pose with your FeetUp Trainer.
FeetUp Guide to Grounded Inversions

The FeetUp Guide to Grounded Inversions

Keeping your feet on the ground during an inversion is a great way to build body awareness and confidence. Here are a few tips to stay focused and grounded with your FeetUp Trainer whenever life turns upside down!
Movement for Better Sleep: 5 Restful Poses to Maximize Relaxation

Movement for Better Sleep: 5 Restful Poses to Maximize Relaxation

It can be challenging to unwind after a long day. Do you crave better sleep? Relax after a long day with some gentle yoga poses on your FeetUp Trainer.
Reinventing the Wheel: 5 FeetUp Exercises for Healthy Backbends

Reinventing the Wheel: 5 FeetUp Exercises for Healthy Backbends

Healthy backbends require more than flexibility and balance. Reinvent your wheel pose with these 5 dynamic FeetUp exercises for more comfort, space, and control in spinal extensions.
Mountain Pose: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Tadasana

Mountain Pose: FeetUp Yoga Basics for Tadasana

How we carry ourselves in tadasana is essentially how we carry ourselves through life. Why not take some of the guesswork out? Seated Mountain pose with your FeetUp Trainer helps find proper right foot placement and focus more on internal alignment.