Grounded inversions are poses where your feet are on the ground and your head is lower than your heart.

Keeping your feet on the ground during an inversion is a great way to build more body awareness and confidence in movement. Here are a few tips on how to stay focused and comfortable (with your feet securely grounded on the floor) whenever life turns upside down in your FeetUp practice!

Start by nodding your head in Supported Forward Fold.

supported standing forward fold head positions

Explore the subtle differences between having your head in line with your spine (neutral) and letting the chin lower towards chest (head low). Think about how your head moves independently of the torso and how this movement can guide you into / out from an inverted position.


Child's Pose is a great grounded inversion for beginners.

feetup childs pose head positions

Next up, try using the support of the FeetUp Trainer to explore a simple grounded inversion in a Supported Child's Pose. Instead of nodding your head, focus on pouring weight down through your arms into the cushion to make the same movement happen. Don't just lift or lower your skull, use the Trainer to engage the muscles that move the neck.



Floating Child's Pose gives more space to explore!

feetup floating childs pose head and arm positions

From a Floating Child's Pose, move slowly between a head lifted and head lowered position. Keep core engaged and use the frame for extra support with your arms. Get comfortable flowing between the lifted and lowered variations! This movement is super helpful for developing more control and stability as your practice grows.



Create space with Extended Downward Facing Dog.

feetup supported downward facing dog arm and hand positions

To work on more dynamic transitions, put some space between your body and the Trainer. Extended Down Dog is a great grounded inversion pose to spread weight between your hands and feet as you explore the full length of your spine. Build confidence by leaning weight into the Trainer as you lift and lower your head. Try closing your eyes to deepen body awareness within the pose.



Build trust in your torso with Supported Down Dog.

feetup supported downward facing dog arm positions

Once you're comfortable with the basics of grounded inversions, start playing with stability and connection. Try moving your hands to the floor by your feet and relaxing your shoulders. Take a few deep breaths and remain calm. Let your neck and shoulders relax in this position. When it's time to come out, place your hands back in the frame and slowly exit to whatever pose feels best!



Get creative in your grounded inversions.

feetup supported downward facing dog arm and leg variations

Move your hands. Lift a leg. As long as you keep a foot on the floor and head below heart, the sky is the limit when it comes to creating a grounded inversion practice that works for you. Go slow, be safe, and listen to your body!