For the days that call for more softness & support, this Grounded Warrior series meets you right where your practice needs to be! The FeetUp Trainer provides a stable space to create a deeper connection between breath and body. We don’t always have to work hard to enjoy the benefits of our practice. Slow down, find balance, and enjoy this grounding flow.

Grounded Crescent Lunge

Start in a supported low lunge with the hamstring on cushion. Keeping hips squared, reach arms up towards the sky with core engaged as you lengthen your sides. Let the ribs expand with every inhale and the tailbone ground down through the trainer on every exhale.


Grounded Warrior II

Let’s explore those side bodies! From crescent lunge, slowly open up to Warrior II with arms out wide. Focus on shoulder blades drawing inward as fingers extend out. Keep hip stacked above grounded knee as you adjust the back foot to point slightly inward. Let the chest and hips broaden with a few deep breaths while keeping the belly gently drawn in.

From Warrior II, slide the back hand down your rear leg as the front arm reaches up towards the sky. Support your spine by keeping the core engaged as your chest opens up. That back hand might stay on the leg or slide towards the calf or heel. Backbend too intense? Place your back hand on the hip or lower back for more support.


Grounded & Extended Side Angle

The transition out from grounded reverse warrior is all about core support. Take the front forearm to the knee or thigh. As you extend the rear arm overhead, stay rooted down through your back knee to experience a full side body stretch. Broaden through the collarbones for a gentle heart opener. Adjust the front hand to the crossbar or floor if need be.


Grounded Dancing Warrior

It’s time to weave everything together and flow with graceful ease. Move slowly from one posture to the next with a strong focus on breath: Inhale Crescent Lunge, exhale Warrior II, and so on. Allow your body to fully drop weight into the Trainer for some full-spectrum grounded support! There’s no rush! Take your time to mindfully move from one shape to the next. Listen to your body and make as many modifications as you need to create comfort in each posture. We all know what happens when cats get curious, but in this case, playful exploration will only deepen your practice.