How to Assemble Your New FeetUp Trainer
This quick and straightforward video on how to assemble a new FeetUp Trainer is a helpful guide for visual learners who need a little help putting things together.
FeetUp Flow: Core Strength and Inversions with Jelena
Learn how to use the FeetUp Trainer to develop dynamic core strength to support your inversion practice with Jelena Lieberbeg of!
Forward Head Posture: Put Your Smartphone Down, Get Your FeetUp!
Forward Head Posture is a repetitive stress injury stemming from excessive texting, viewing, or everyday operation of a handheld device for extended periods of time. Learn more about how your FeetUp Trainer can help you avoid long-term repercussions!
FeetUp 101: Introduction to Inversions
Join Kilian Trenkle, the founder of FeetUp, for some tips on how to invert using your FeetUp Trainer for the first time and some helpful tips on what to do once you feel comfortable upside down.
FeetUp Flow: Chest and Shoulder Mobility with Jeppe
When an artist looks at a blank canvas, all they see is possibility. This flow with Jeppe Skovgaard of Rort in Copenhagen may inspire you to look at your FeetUp Trainer in the same way!